Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A Rainy Day

Catnip In Pots
Much to my disappointment, today, April 21st was too cold and rainy to go out and work in my garden plot, so I decided to tend to the plants I have at home. First, I checked on and watered my replanted catnip that I harvested from the plot. There is so much growing there, that I can only conclude the gardener who tended the plot last year must have planted it. Now, I will have a nice supply at home for my spoiled cats.
Tomato And Pepper Seedlings
 Next, I watered and adjusted the lights for my seedlings. These are mostly tomato and pepper plants with a few herbs and lettuce. The plants are growing so quickly, I have to move the lights up on the chains, so they don't touch the tops of the plants. My seedlings are also drinking a lot of water as they grow. I need to mist them 2 or 3 times a day or they wither. I plan to put the lettuce outside in pots this weekend.
Finally, I watered and added some more soil mix to this terrarium. The succulent plant inside has doubled in size since I bought it at Meijer's 3 weeks ago. I also got the tiny chair there in the floral section for 2 dollars. This year, I want to focus primarily on growing food, but I can see making ornamental gardens and terrariums as being very addictive!

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