Thursday, May 7, 2015

Basil, Chives, and Mint

Herb Plants Donated By Meijer
 This post is an update on my garden progress as of May 6th, 2015. I blogged yesterday about the Garden Resource Center giving away free herb plants, and I have a picture of "The Mother-lode" above, a collection of chive, mint, and basil herbs that were donated to the Garden Center by Meijer stores. I also got a small amount of more cool season crops to put in, such as lettuce and cabbage. Unfortunately, most of my greens and early crops I planted last week have been eaten by bunny rabbits.
Garden May 6th 
This shot of the garden shows a small square pen in the foreground. This is the herb garden area with the basil planted in it. I also have dill and fennel seeds planted there in the ground. Below, is a picture of the catnip that was growing on the plot when I first leased it. The person who gardened there last year planted it. I dug some up and planted it at my house and it has really taken off! I plan to brew some catnip iced tea soon and give some to the felines.
 Here are my heirloom tomatoes and peppers at week 5. I plan to put them in the ground today, which is a little early, but there is no sign of a cold snap in the weather forecast and plenty of rain in the days ahead. For tomatoes, I have a mixture of Brandywine, Black Krim, Purple Cherokee, and Early Girl. The peppers are Jalapeno, Poblano, and sweet red peppers.
Heirloom Tomatoes And 

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